Full Moon in Capricorn Meaning and Energies

Full Moon in Capricorn Meaning and Energy

The full moon in Capricorn reaches its peak on June 21st this year. This celestial event holds many meanings for each of us individually as well as all of us as a collective. Let’s dive deeper into the specifics of Capricorn, the Full Moon and combining the two energies as well as what this moon means for your sun sign!

Capricorn is an earth sign that reigns from December 22nd to January 19th. This sign holds the wisdom of logical thinking, loyalty, discipline, long-term, and big picture thinking. No other sign is more goal oriented and organized than a Capricorn. They tend to have big plans that require inventive and intuitive thinking before carefully and constructively finding ways to achieve it so there is little to no room for failure. Capricorn has a very down to earth and quiet energy, as the most observational of the 12 zodiac signs, they always find ways to manifest their goals into a reality with no issues. They have no problem being a hard worker that is expected to overcome many challenges and are just as comfortable diving into the depths of their emotions, though both seem to happen in the privacy of their own minds. 

Capricorn signs are usually responsible, structured, rigid, organized, efficient, and calculating, and they seem to enjoy living in solitude. This sign needs to always be wary of being pessimistic though as too much alone time and goal seeking can leave little room for self-care which makes a Capricorn adept to negative thought patterns. 

We are matching this energy with the Full Moon this month which is the embodiment of intuition, and seeing what manifestations and goals we have achieved so far and taking moments to use the energy to re-enhance any old manifestations that are taking a little longer than usual. Capricorn Full Moon is perfect for honing in on your goals and ideas and seeing what needs to be done in a careful and calculated way in order to achieve it with no challenges. The energy is quiet and resigned as well as dulled and repressed, you may find yourself being obsessed with a work matter or goals to the point that the rest of your areas of life are struggling. You may also have noticed your head is ruling the majority of your decisions and are too caught up in logical and reasonable thinking, and need to let your heart speak a little louder. 

The energy of the Capricorn full moon will affect us each in different and personal ways. Here is a guide to what it means for your sun sign!

Pisces Sun - You might have been hiding yourself away or being a bit of a hermit lately to take care of yourself or to avoid dealing with others. You are needing to find a healthy balance between treating yourself and paying attention to the other people in your life as well. You are also being asked to evaluate any friendships and intense feelings towards ending or beginning a friendship. There are also things you have been trying to manifest that aren’t right for you anymore and are needing to find what it is that you need and can manifest easier. Follow any dreams you have been having lately.

Aquarius Sun - This full moon is asking you to take time out to rest. Where have you been self sabotaging lately and where have you been overextending your energy? You are likely exhausted from the demands of daily life and are being guided to take time for mindfulness practices. There are parts of yourself you have been ignoring and unwilling to talk about as well as behaviors and habits you haven’t been wanting to let go of. You are also being tasked with finding a balance between work and everyday life and finding time for rest.

Aries Sun - Sort out any issues related to your career. You might be feeling lost or confused on what path to take for your professional life. It is time for you to step out of your comfort zone and start a new project. Work might be feeling monotonous or annoying lately and for some a job or project is ending. Don’t take on too much stress from work during this time because it could be affecting your home life. 

Taurus Sun - You have been feeling existential during this time and inquisitive on your place in the universe. You may have worries and doubts about travel, study or your existence as a whole. This is a time for personal growth and understanding as you have been focusing too much on the “why” and small details. You are meant to see the bigger picture as well as do something out of the usual for your day to day life. Find where you stand in your faith and accept the concept that there is something bigger than us that we might not ever understand. If you are going through a hard time right now, know that it is divinely timed and your issues are leading you somewhere bigger.

Gemini Sun - Now is the time to find balance between give and take. The universe has been trying to send you abundance but you are in a struggle with having no balance on receiving and are missing opportunities. It is also a good time to re-evaluate financial matters like debts, and personal bills. Think about how you are financially supporting others and how you can transform your personal life as well as your shadow self to match your true self so you can manifest the life you have been wanting. 

Cancer Sun - Expect relationship issues to come to the front of your focus. Your love life may be shifting significantly during this time. It’s time to invest extra time and care into someone else and your relationship with them. Make sure any current relationships are being nourished with family, friends and significant others. Take time to evaluate what the very important people in your life mean to you.

Leo Sun - You are in need of more peace in your life. You may be fearing health matter this full moon even if they are not logical fears. You may have been working on yourself for some time now and this full moon is the time to notice who you are and what you can do to make yourself enjoy a healthier routine. You will find yourself noticing bad habits that need to be broken. Find a balance between your place in the world and taking time out to be with yourself.

Virgo Sun - You might notice feelings about an issue to do with children, your love life or a creative project. Expect to be experiencing a lot of emotions pouring over during this time as well as allowing yourself time away from any hard work you have been doing. During this full moon you are being asked to let loose and do something fun whether that is for yourself or with friends. Don’t be afraid to make firm boundaries in your friend groups and take a step back to care for your own needs and refill your social battery.

Libra Sun - Take time for yourself this full moon, and evaluate the amount of energy spent on taking care of family matters. You may be feeling intensely about your family and experiencing drama, but this is a time for you to revisit your personal goals and make sure they are being met too. If you do need to spend more time with family make sure its quality time and not obligated time. Balance your professional goals and your home goals and make sure you see them as separate areas. Your personal life might need some extra care during this time and forgive your family for any outstanding upsets. 

Scorpio Sun - This could bring up intense feelings about expressing yourself as well as over expressing. You may be dreaming of escaping your day to day life and need to remind yourself to assess your home life first and make any necessary changes or communications. If you haven’t, now is a great time to learn to speak your truth and release any drama within your sibling relationships. You may have difficulty accepting where you are because it isn’t where you want to be. 

Sagittarius Sun - You may find yourself in financial situations that cause stress during this time, focus on finding the solution to any struggles. You may feel overwhelmed about your sense of security and stability as well as your finances. Now is a good time to evaluate your self worth as well as your relationship with money and how you are supported and supporting others. 

Capricorn Sun - This full moon can bring up issues in your relationships and how you show up to your responsibilities within them. Things are expected to turn a corner in your professional life as well as in the way you see yourself and accept your physical appearance. Now is the time to focus on yourself.

However this Full Moon in Capricorn is affecting you, it is important to take its energy into consideration for creating a life you dream of. Rest, have fun, re-evaluate, do rituals, or even just acknowledge the moon in the sky. We hope this article helps you to more deeply understand the energy Capricorn has to offer when in correlation to the energy of the Full Moon.